Hero mask


The leading Anti-DDoS scrubbing service

DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attacks are growing in number and evolving annually, and can slow or cripple your network performance.

Clean IX is a cutting-edge collaborative anti-DDoS service offered by NL-ix and supported by NaWas, the anti-DDoS service provided by The Dutch National Internet Providers Management Organisation (Nationale Beheersorganisatie Internet Providers or NBIP).

We choose NL-ix for their good reputation with Transit, great Peering platform and their connection with NaWas

Marcel de Beule - CEO WAN-Connect

NaWas is a non-profit foundation founded by the internet community and technical specialists. This means that the operation and connection are easy to understand by its technical users.

If a customer is under attack, traffic is rerouted away from the server to the Clean IX service. The attacked traffic is scrubbed clean and then re-routed back over a separate VLAN. Clean IX is a powerful service for DDoS mitigation, and it is constantly improved to keep ahead of the latest attack techniques.


NL-ix is redundantly connected to NaWas, but also offers the opportunity to take Clean-IX over the A-Fabric and B-Fabric for more resilience.

Clean-ix is available at all PoP locations NL-ix is present, click here for a full datacenter overview

Screenshot 2024-08-22 at 17.09.44
Amount of attacks per quarter - source NaWas