Hero mask

Extended Peering

The trade-off between better routes and cost just got better

As network with around 10 Gbps or more of traffic you are most likely Peering at multiple Exchanges. The quality of the BGP routes you use is obviously important to you. We don't have to tell you that a higher quality of routes means fewer dependencies, more stability, more control and more backup, leading to a better service to offer to your customers.

Unfortunately these better routes come at a price: the cost of Exchange ports and Transport to and from those exchanges. But what if there would be an alternative? A way to reach ~2.400 Peering networks with a single port. Cutting out the need for multiple ports at different exchanges and the cost of Transport.

We have that alternative. We can offer you short single hop routes directly accessible from all major third-party exchanges (AMS-IX, DECIX, NL-ix, Netnod, LINX, ECIX, France-ix, Equinix-ix, LONAP and more ) including access to NL-ix peering (~2.400 networks) from a single port from all across our fabric.

The associated product of this Use Case is Extended Peering