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Google Cloud

NL-ix Joins Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program

Press release, 16 August 2021

NL-ix today announces that it has joined the Google Cloud Partner Advantage program as a Build Partner giving Google Cloud customers the ability to increase their connectivity to Google Cloud.

As a Google Cloud partner, NL-ix offers customers an extended range of connectivity options to reach Google Cloud through the NL-ix interconnected, low latency pan European fabric.

“By joining the Google Cloud Partner Advantage Program, we can help facilitate leading enterprises and networks to efficiently connect to Google Cloud Platform, and accelerate their digital transformation,” says Patrick Wisker, Content Connection Manager at NL-ix.

Interested in setting up a new connection to Google Cloud or review of your current set-up? Please contact patrick@nl-ix.net.

About NL-ix: NL-ix is one of Europe’s most experienced - and largest - geo-dispersed interconnect exchange with a full portfolio of network, cloud and data center interconnection solutions. Via a range of innovative tools, our members can own, scale and orchestrate their interconnections locally, regionally, or across Europe.

