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How to re-gain control over the internet

Finally the Internet is no longer a Black Box!

Press release, 10 June 2021

For quite a while now digital transformation pushes business networks to adapt and undergo fundamental changes. The migration to full digital processes, digital customer communication and the increasing speed of application adaptation results in organisations easily using dozens of Iaas, SaaS, API’s, and other connections with the outside world. This number will rapidly grow as more of the organisation’s network infrastructure moves to the cloud, new SaaS applications are quickly adopted or when new technology like blockchain or AI technology are embraced.

Data, processes but also people and IoT systems are clearly no longer limited to the traditional IT domain. The IT domain has expanded to include virtually every location where data is stored or accessed from and with it the responsibility to control this business data and the routes to it. Organisational networks are often not designed for rapidly growing and changing bandwidths and the complexity of unpredictable traffic flows that follows from this process.

Elastic Interconnect
Over the past 20 years NL-ix has gained highly specialised and relevant knowledge by being a part of the core infrastructure of the Internet, offering exchange-, transit-, transport- and cloud connectivity services over a network that connects over a hundred datacenter. Services that are now the foundation of the Digital Transformation Process.

From this experience NL-ix has developed a tailor-made solution for organisations, which is fundamentally different from other available interconnection solutions. Elastic Interconnect gives insight and control over traffic flows OUTside your WAN network.

Unique features

  • Increased performance and predictability The NL-ix heritage as an Internet Exchange provides direct connectivity (and therefor extremely low latency) to ~2.400 networks including cloud providers, partner networks, SaaS-applications, end-users, etc. over the resilient NL-ix network. This reach guarantees that typically ~95% of an organisation’s total traffic is delivered straight into the destination network

    NL-ix offers complete transparency, geographical and alternative routes used and constantly monitors the performance of these routes and publishes the real-time results for complete transparency.

  • Traffic slicing One of the most characteristic features of Elastic Interconnect is the ability to segment the internet into two (or more) network segments. Segmenting traffic logically as well as physically shields important trusted traffic from less trusted traffic. A DDOSs attack over one slice doesn’t affect the traffic on another other slice.

  • Public and Private traffic consolidated The technical foundation of Elastic Interconnect also offers a solution to bring all private traffic under control within the same architecture. Private connections, such as Cloud Connect, Private Network Interconnect and Datacenter Interconnect, are separated from public traffic by means of network segmentations.

  • Flexibility and scalability Elastic Interconnect provides a comprehensive range of interconnectivity services that move with the needs and demands of the organisation’s business connectivity. Without changing the basic architecture of the business network, traffic can easily be shifted between the different slices. For flexibility and scalability, different levels of bandwidth are available that grow with customer needs.

  • Real-time insight in and control over traffic flows All the above features are supported by the Elastic Interconnect Manager: an online portal where customers can see and control all their interconnection traffic in terms of slices, flows, latency, bandwidth, destinations etc. In a user-friendly manner.

The flexible and scalable foundation of Elastic Interconnect, combined with full network visibility and traffic segmentation capabilities, enables organisations to finally take control of the previously uncontrollable Internet.

Did we pique your interest? Let us know, we have much more to tell. Write a mail to sales@nl-ix.net