Behind the world of Internet, fibers, protocols and terabytes, are people making it all work. But who are these people? In other words: who is NL-ix?
Who is NL-ix
Joep Veenboer - At NL-ix, we're proving that a company from a small country can play a big role in shaping the future of global connectivity.
Kevin van Hattem - If I had to explain what NL-ix does, I'd tell them we are the plumbers of the Internet: We make sure all the pipes stay clean
Christos Kontas - It fascinated me how the ''web'' and the ''internet'' are not the same
Vinnie van Gentevoort - Many people don’t realise our logo pays homage to those early days of the Internet, but I think it’s a great detail.
John Huitema - My job is to make sure the tech folks and the business folks are speaking the same language, so we all understand each other and work together smoothly
Felix Duivenvoorden - It’s not just about keeping operations running; it's about shaping the future of connectivity
Léon van der Laan - The impact of IT on actual business results is substantial – perhaps more significant than ever before
Konstantinos Karmas - NL-IX is essentially the heart of the internet
Gert-Jan - We are the road workers at an intersection on the digital highway
Arjan Wekking - Software development is like making furniture: it has to work well, look nice and be well put together. It’s a point of pride.
Micheal Weers - To capture your subject takes lots of patience and focus, and sometimes you also need a sixth sense - it’s always useful to know a little more.
Marco Kuiper - I’m an explorer, and I think the urge to explore is important in technology as well as travel
Susan Tonkes - The cloud is not as fluffy as people think, we need to bring it down to earth and make it more understandable.
Vincent Bourgonjen - The words I use to describe our Transit service are ‘effortless optimal routing”
Onno Stapper - What we are currently doing will have a huge impact on Amsterdam as an Internet Hub
Sara Abulajras - When talking about the geeky environment and colleagues, I believe we complete each other
Leon Hassing - Our network is the most important thing we offer