Hero mask

BGP Communities Joint Transit


Control your routes with BGP Communities

NL-ix offers BGP communities to all customers using Joint Transit as a standard service feature. This gives control over how your prefixes are announced to your upstreams or provides information to act on.

Prepending makes the route you advertise less attractive, this informs receiving networks to prefer another path.

Prepend 1 time to  Orange - 65001:5511
Prepend 2 times to Orange - 65002:5511
Prepend 3 times to Orange - 65003:5511
Prepend 4 times to Orange - 65004:5511

Prepend 1 time to  LGI - 65001:6830
Prepend 2 times to LGI - 65002:6830
Prepend 3 times to LGI - 65003:6830
Prepend 4 times to LGI - 65004:6830

Prepend 1 time to  Vodafone - 65001:1273
Prepend 2 times to Vodafone - 65002:1273
Prepend 3 times to Vodafone - 65003:1273
Prepend 4 times to Vodafone - 65004:1273

Prepend 1 time to  Arelion - 65001:1299
Prepend 2 times to Arelion - 65002:1299
Prepend 3 times to Arelion - 65003:1299
Prepend 4 times to Arelion - 65004:1299

Prepend 1 time to Telxius 65001:12956
Prepend 2 times to Telxius 65002:12956
Prepend 3 times to Telxius 65003:12956
Prepend 4 times to Telxius 65004:12956

Do not announce
With the do not announce community your prefixes are not sent to the corresponding upstream. You can use this to ensure incoming traffic is not routed over that upstream.

Do not announce to Orange - 65009:5511
Do not announce to LGI - 65009:6830
Do not announce to Vodafone - 65009:1273
Do not announce to Arelion - 65009:1299
Do not announce to Telxius 65009:12956

For customers that have a host or block under a DDoS, the affected host/block can be advertised with a blackhole community. This will cause all traffic to that host/block to be blackholed at the core of our network. Once the attack has stopped, the community can be removed again in order to start receiving traffic again. NL-ix supports to announce a prefix length up to /32 for IPv4 and up to /128 for IPv6

Blackhole RFC7999 - 65535:666
Blackhole Joint Transit - 24785:666
Blackhole OpenPeering AS20562 - 20562:666

Informational Communities
Informational BGP communities pass on information about how and where a route was learned. The tags are assigned by the Routers. Each prefix received from Routers is marked with various communities.

From LGI - 24785:6830
From Open Peering - 24785:20562
From Orange members  - 24785:5511
From Arelion members - 24785:1299
From Vodafone - 24785:1273
From Telxius - 24785:12956
From Netherlands - 24785:3031
From Amsterdam  - 24785:4001
From Germany - 24785:3049
From Frankfurt - 24785:4003